Senin, 21 November 2011

Arabian (story)

A group of Nomads arrive and set up their camp for the night. To amuse themselves they tell stories and act out plays.
They tell a story about two brothers Shahzaman and Shahryar and they start to act out the story.
Shahryar is about to be married. His brother, angry at having been betrayed by his own wife says that he must not marry one girl but take a new bride every night. Shahryar does as his brother tells him and executes his new brides on the morning after each wedding.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Ninja (story)

By the year 850, the Tang Dynasty  in China was in decline. It would fall in 907, plunging China into 50 years of chaos; the collapse prompted some Tang generals to escape over the sea to Japan.
These commanders brought new battle tactics and philosophies of war with them.
Chinese monks also began to arrive in Japan in the 1020s, bringing new medicines and fighting philosophies of their own. Many of the ideas originated in India, and made their way across Tibet and China before turning up in Japan.

The monks taught their methods to Japan's warrior-monks, or yamabushi, as well as to members of the first ninja clans.
The First Known Ninja School:

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Samurai Sword History

Samurai sword history is roughly divided into four main time periods - Koto (the old sword period, pre 1596), Shinto/Shinshinto (1597 to 1876) Gendai (1877 to the end of world war II) and Shinsaku (modern).
But the earliest origins of this fascinating weapons can be traced back some 1300 years...
The first Japanese swords were basically variations of the Chinese Jian (called Chokuto) - in other words a straight, double edged iron blade.
However sometime during the early Heian period, around 700AD, the first uniquely Japanese swords that were the forerunners of the 'modern' Katana began to evolve.
Initially the first curved Japanese swords were curved at the tang only. But by the end of the 10th century fully curved swords were commonplace. It was during this time that Japan began to abandon such close cultural ties with China, it's society stabilized into class divisions, and the military guards of the capital and the gentlemen of the provinces became the first Samurai...
While no one can pinpoint exactly when the first true Samurai swords came about (after all, written records of Samurai sword history were few and far between during this early period) Japanese myths like to attribute the turning point of Samurai sword history to a smith by the name of Amakuni...

Rabu, 16 November 2011


Geronimo (Mescalero-Chiricahua: Goyaałé [kòjàːɬɛ́] "one who yawns"; June 16, 1829 – February 17, 1909) was a prominent Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache who fought against Mexico and the United States for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars. Allegedly, "Geronimo" was the name given to him during a Mexican incident. His Chiricahua name is often rendered as Goyathlay or Goyahkla in English.

After an attack by a company of Mexican soldiers killed many members of his family in 1858, Geronimo joined revenge attacks on the Mexicans. During his career as a war chief, Geronimo was notorious for consistently urging raids and war upon Mexican Provinces and their various towns, and later against American locations across Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

The Castle of the Faithful Wives (legend from Germany)

  One day in the royal court in Germany, nearly a thousand years ago, the Duke of Welf accidentally brushed the foot of the Queen when he bowed before King Konrad III.  Enraged at this insult, the King upbraided the Duke in front of the Duke's men.  Offended and embarrassed, the Duke declared he would never again pay any tribute (tax) to the royal crown. Furious, he stormed out of the palace. 

The Werewolf

By using a so-called wolf strap, any person could transform himself into a werewolf. Whoever fastened such a strap around himself would turn into a wolf. If someone called out the name of a person who had turned himself into a wolf, that person would regain his human form.
In earlier times there were a great many such straps, but today, along with the wolves, they seem to have been banned to Russia.

Bandung Bondowoso

Prior to the creation of Sewu Temple in Prambanan, legend has it, there lived a man called Bandung Bondowoso, who, with his supernatural powers, created 1,000 temples overnight.

If Bandung Bondowoso were alive today, the damage done to the hundreds of historical sites by the tectonic quake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale on May 27 would not have saddened Laretna T. Adhisakti so much.

The Legend of Sangkuriang

This is an example of how nature was converted into a legend, such as Bandung lake and Mt Tangkuban Perahu with the story of Queen Dayang Sumbi and her son Sangkuriang cited from Neuman va Padang (1971). Once Sangkuriang, whilst growing up, he was so naughty and got hurt and the wound formed an ugly scar.

The Legend of King Bali

Another interesting Diwali legend is of King Bali. He was a generous ruler but also very ambitious. To propitiate the gods he performed a Yagna (fire sacrifice). His Yagna was so successful that even the gods were terrified to appear before him and grant him a boon in the fear that what he might ask something which is beyond their capacity. Some of the Gods pleaded Vishnu to check King Bali’s power. Vishnu came to earth in the form of a dwarf dressed as priest.

Senin, 14 November 2011

The Cock and the Pearl (story)

Scratch.  Scratch.  Peck.  Cock was strutting around the yard, busily looking for good things to eat.  Peck, peck scratch.  He gobbled down a piece of barley-corn with greedy satisfaction. Yum! 

The Crows are in the Corn (story)

It happened in Georgia not long ago, that a farmer and his wife decided to sleep late, like the rich folk do. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the kind that brings all God's creatures out to play. But not these farm folk. No,

Rabbit Plays Tug of War

Now Rabbit had a favorite place on the river where he always went to drink water. It was on a bend in the river, and two Snakes lived there, one on the upper side of the bend and one on the lower. Rabbit soon learned that neither of the

Brer Fox Catches Old Man Tarrypin

Well now, Brer Rabbit had made friends with Old Man Tarrypin, a big turtle that lived in the pond near his house. Brer Rabbit and Old Man Tarrypin liked to pull tricks on Brer Fox, and that rascally fellow got pretty mad about it.
Since he couldn't catch Brer Rabbit nohow, Brer Fox decided that he'd get even with Old Man Tarrypin instead. He started walking beside the pond every day, hoping to find the turtle out of the water.
One morning, as he was taking his daily stroll, Brer Fox saw Old Man Tarrypin sitting right in the center of the road. The old turtle looked hot and bothered about something. He kept shaking his head back and forth and he was panting like he was out of breath.
"Howdy, Brer Tarrypin," said Brer Fox, stopping beside the old turtle. "What's the matter wid you?"
"I was a-strolling in the field beside my pond when the farmer came along and set it on fire," Old Man Tarrypin gasped. "I had to run and run, but that ol' fire was faster than me, so I curled up in my shell while it passed right over me! My shell is hotter than the noon-day sun, and I think I done singed my tail!"
"Let me have a look," said Brer Fox. So Old Man Tarrypin uncurled his tail and poked it out of his shell. Immediately, Brer Fox grabbed him by the tail and swung him right off the ground.
"I gotcha now, Brer Tarrypin," cried Brer Fox. "You ain't gonna bother me no more!"
Well, Old Man Tarrypin begged and begged Brer Fox not to drown him. He'd rather go back into the fire in the field on account of he'd kind of gotten used to being burned.
Brer Fox swung the poor old turtle back and forth by his tail, trying to decide what to do. Putting Old Man Tarrypin into the fire was a tempting idea, but then he remembered how the old turtle had curled up into his shell so the fire couldn't touch him. Brer Fox frowned. Fire was no good, then.
Brer Fox decided to drown Old Man Tarrypin instead. He tucked the turtle under his arm and carried him down to the springhouse by the pond.
"Please, oh please don't drown me," Old Man Tarrypin begged.
"I ain't making no promises," Brer Fox retorted. "You've played too many tricks on me, Brer Tarrypin."
Brer Fox thrust him into the water and began bouncing him up and down.
"Oh, I is drowning," shouted Old Man Tarrypin when his head bounced out of the water. "Don't let go of my tail, Brer Fox or I'll be drowned for sure!"
"That's the idea, Brer Tarrypin," Brer Fox yelled back and let go of his tail.
Immediately Old Man Tarrypin splashed down and down into the water and thumped onto the mud on the bottom, kerplicky-splat.
That's when Brer Fox remembered that Old Man Tarrypin lived in the pond, and there was never any fear of him drowning, nohow! He could hear him laughing from the bottom of the pond: "I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere".
Brer Fox jumped up and down in fury. Old Man Tarrypin had escaped him!
From the other side of the pond, Brer Bull Frog called out: "Knee-deep! Knee-deep!"
Brer Fox glared at the pond, and then looked back at Brer Bull Frog. "It's only knee-deep?" he asked suspiciously.
"Knee-deep, knee-deep!" Brer Bull Frog said again.
All the little frogs joined in the chorus then. "Better-believe-it! Better-believe-it!"
Well, thought Brer Fox, if it was only knee deep, then he'd have no trouble catching Old Man Tarrypin.
"Wade-in, wade-in!" croaked Brer Bull Frog.
"Knee-deep, knee-deep!" agreed all the little frogs.
Brer Fox didn't much like water, but he really wanted to catch Old Man Tarrypin. He approached the edge of the pond cautiously. From underneath the water, Old Man Tarrypin laughed at him, and his words bubbled up to Brer Fox: "I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere! I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere."
Well. That did it. Brer Fox ran right up to the edge of the pond. Leaning over, he looked into the water and saw another fox staring at him.
"Dat's-your-brother! Dat's-your-brother," Brer Bull Frog told Brer Fox.
Brer Fox was thrilled. He didn't know he had a brother. Now that there were two foxes, catching Old Man Tarrypin would be a cinch! Brer Fox leaned down to shake hands with his new-found brother, and toppled right down into the deep water of the pond.
All of the frogs laughed and laughed at the trick they had played on Brer Fox, and Old Man Tarrypin started swimming up from the bottom of the pond, his red eyes fixed on Brer Fox's tail. Brer Fox knew that the old turtle wanted to pull him down under that water and drown him, so he learned to swim mighty quick! With much splashing and squirming and kicking, Brer Fox made it to the edge of the pond, where he jumped out and ran away as fast as he could, while Brer Bull Frog laughed and the little frogs shouted with glee.
The last thing he heard as he rounded the corner was the voice of Old Man Tarrypin calling: "I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere".
Brer Fox never messed with Old Man Tarrypin again.

Black Dog of Hanging Hills

He smiled as he sipped at his coffee. It had been an excellent hike. He was glad his friend had recommended coming to the Hanging Hills in Connecticut; not the first place that had come to his mind when considering a vacation. But it was beautiful here. When his friend arrived tomorrow they would tackle some of the more challenging terrain.

Bakery Bear

Brenda was busy baking a batch of blueberry muffins in the kitchen of Butler's Bakery when the bell rang.
"Be with you in a bit," Brenda called, brushing her blond braid over her shoulder.

Animal Nursery Rhymes

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full;

Allison's Alligator (animal story)

Alex alligator arrived at Allison Arthur's apple farm in April, when the apple trees were covered with blossoms.
"Whatever am I to do with an alligator?" Allison asked.

CityVille games(story)

The game allows players to become the mayor of a virtual city and to oversee its development into a large metropolis. Players can perform tasks, which include farming, construction, and rent collection in their city using energy points. The amount of energy available increases as the user gains in experience levels, up to a maximum of 30, or 37 with the dam addition.The energy points are replenished automatically at a constant rate.

Empires and Allies (story)

Empires and Allies portrays a military cartoon world composed mostly of archipelagos with each player beginning with one island, and being able to expand to up to four other islands. Each archipelago represents an "empire" or militarized island nation, with a "world alliance" that the player can optionally enter, but by doing so forfeits an ability to attack other sovereign nations.

Hansel and Gretel (kid story)

Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once, when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even daily bread.

Rapunzel (kid story)

There were once a man and a woman who had long, in vain, wished for a child. At length it appeared that God was about to grant their desire.
     These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress, who had great power and was dreaded by all the world.

The Frog Prince (kid story)

One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water with a rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while. Now she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite plaything; and she was always tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as it fell.

The Dragon Rock (kid story)

This story begins with Once Upon A Time, because the best stories do, of course.
     So, Once Upon A Time, and imagine if you can, a steep sided valley cluttered with giant, spiky green pine trees and thick, green grass that reaches to the top of your socks so that when you run, you have to bring your knees up high, like running through water. Wildflowers spread their sweet heady perfume along the gentle breezes and bees hum musically to themselves as they cheerily collect flower pollen.


Once upon a time there was a family of six bears. There was Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear, Blue Bear, Big Bear, Clever Bear and Completely Bear. They lived in a forest that didn't have any trees.

EMPTY CAVE (kid story)

Once upon a time there was a cave. It was completely empty except for all the air. The air was everywhere as you would expect.
But you wouldn’t expect to find a double-decker bus in a cave. And you’d be right, because there were no double-decker buses in this cave.


Tom was 9 years old and he wished he had a longer name.
"I'm 9 years old," he said "and I wish I had a longer name." Told you so.
"I wish I had ten letters in my name, or even fifteen, or even fifty or a hundred." But he was wasting his breath because no one was listening.


Mufty the squirrel was a sweet little thing. He was cuddly and snuggly and buggly and sometimes he was even a bit scruggly. He was as kind as Father Christmas and softer than a very soft thing.


Once upon a time there was a normal-looking rat called Normal Rat. He had a sister called Basketball Rat, who was good at basketball. Basketball Rat had a brother called Normal Rat, and they both had a brother called Spelling Rat. He was good at spelling. Normal Rat, Basketball Rat and Spelling Rat had two sisters called Gardening Rat and Weather Forecasting Rat, and they all had a brother called Running Backwards Rat.

DON'T PANIC (kid story)

"My house! My house! My house has been stolen!" cried Igglebert.

Igglebert was a 67-year-old man called Igglebert. He was always having bad dreams and thinking they were real.


Once upon a time there was a 12-year-old girl called Jenny Wellington. She was on her way to the shop to buy two newspapers and a birthday card, not two birthday cards and a newspaper like it mistakenly says in the title of this story.


The interesting thing about broccoli is that there are four interesting things about broccoli.

Number One. Nobody knows how to spell it. Not even the people who write the Oxford English Dictionary know how many c's and how many l's there are.

Number Two. Nobody really likes it. Not even the Man Who Eats Everything, including garbage, trash, rubbish and street litter.

Number Three. No matter how long you boil it, it's always cold by the time it reaches your plate.

Number Four. It's green.

Okay, the last one wasn't very interesting, but I could only think of three good ones.

Anyway, this story isn't about broccoli. It's about a boy with four heads.

I'm only joking; it is actually about broccoli.

The interesting thing about broccoli is that there are four interesting things about broccoli. Sorry, I've already done that bit ...

Let me start again.

Once upon a time there was a boy with four heads. He grew up to become the Man With Four Heads. He became very keen on all sorts of food, and soon became known as the Man With Four Heads Who Eats Everything. Or Moy for short.

Having four heads meant that he could look north, south, east and west all at the same time. Unfortunately this meant that the sun was always is in his eyes. However, he could always see if a cat was trying to creep up on him from behind or from the side. He wasn't keen on cats playing practical jokes, but he was keen on food.

One day he was eating an egg carton with his north-facing head, a tin can with his south-facing head, an old magazine with his east-facing head and a bacon sandwich with his west-facing head, when he turned round and his north-facing head became his south-facing head, his south-facing head became his north, his west became his east and his east became his west. Then he turned back again.

After his meals, he sat down on a park bench and dozed off. Then Felix and Fluffy crept up behind him and covered him in broccoli pudding. Don't worry if you don't know what broccoli pudding is, because neither do I.

About two hours later, Moy woke up and was surprised to find himself covered in broccoli pudding.

You might remember that the second most interesting thing about broccoli is that nobody likes it, not even the Man Who Eats Everything, including garbage, trash, rubbish and street litter.

So he was not too pleased that he was going to have to eat himself out of the mess.

Luckily, with four mouths he was able to eat all the broccoli pudding in a quarter of the time it would have taken anyone with the usual number of heads.

He then set off to find the two naughty little kittens that were responsible.

He found Felix and Fluffy outside the pet shop. Felix had shreds of broccoli on his paws and Fluffy had pudding mixture on his whiskers.

"Have you seen any cats messing about with broccoli pudding?" he asked.

"No" they said "we're good cats".

The two cats then went into the pet shop and opened all the cages. The shopkeeper was furious as he watched all his animals run out into the street, including six rabbits, half a dozen puppies, five hamsters, another hamster and about six white mice.

Three of the mice were blind and the other three wore contact lenses. They ran and they ran until they escaped the dangerous traffic and the busy streets and reached the safety of the countryside.

They came to an old farmhouse and went into the kitchen. Standing by the cooker was a large woman with a large knife. She was looking around for more ingredients to put into her mouse-tail soup.

Just then Farmer Venison walked into the room and his tummy was rumbling. He had eaten nothing since breakfast and was looking forward to his dinner.

The Farmer's Wife was just about to cut the tails off three of the mice when the Farmer announced that he wanted to be a vegetarian, and he would never eat meat again. So the mice ran off, and the Farmer had broccoli toast instead. Don't worry if you don't know what broccoli toast is, because neither do I.

Farmer Venison was a keen gardener, and whenever he wasn't in his fields looking after plants you'd find him in his garden looking after plants. His favourite plant was the stinging nettle, because he liked to put some in his wife's hat every morning. She had got used to this silly practical joke and always remembered to check her clothes before putting them on.

One morning the Farmer decided to think up a new joke. So he sat at the kitchen table with a pen and paper, thinking hard and scribbling away. Eventually he came up with the brilliant idea of filling his wife's best hat with chocolate milk shake.

His timing couldn't have been worse however, as today was the day that the Queen of Bulgaria was due to visit their farm. So the Farmer's Wife put on her best frock, which was made of fine silk, gold buttons, diamond chains and various bits of plastic. She then checked that her hat was clear of stinging nettles and put it on her head. This caused two pints of chocolate milk shake to fall over her dress. This caused her to scream in horror. This caused the Farmer to laugh. This caused the Farmer's Wife to throw a chair at the Farmer.

Just then, the door bell made a ringing noise.

"The queen! The queen!" screamed the Farmer's Wife "She's here and look at the state of me!"

It wasn't the queen. It was the postman. He had a letter from the queen that said she wouldn't be coming to the farm.

In fact, the queen was still back home in Bulgaria. She was unable to travel as her clothes were ruined when the King of Bulgaria played a practical joke with her crown and a vat of flavoured yoghurt.

So now we are coming to end of the story, and I hope you have learnt an important lesson: Jokes aren't funny. They ruin people's clothes.

MWFHWEE never did find who was responsible for the broccoli pudding incident.

The two cats carried on being naughty until one day they tried breaking into a bank. It turned out to be a prison, not a bank, and they couldn't escape.


It was a lovely sunny day in Oak Tree Farm. An 8-year old boy called Tommy lay by the stream listening to the sounds of the countryside. The birds were singing, the cows were mooing, the lions were roaring, and the sheep were .....
Hang on, did I say lions? Yes I did, and they were heading straight for Tommy.

I AM A MOLE (kid story)

There was once a hole that had a mole living in it. He didn't have a name because moles don't usually bother with that sort of thing. He was very happy though, and used to go around singing a little rhyme:-
"I am a mole
And I live in a hole"

THE ANIMAL RACE (kid story)

There once lived a dog and there once lived a cat in the same town in the same street in the same year. The town was London, the street was Regent Street and the year was 1984.

The dog was called Fido and the cat was called Bradley.

They had an odd relationship. How can I put this? Well, they weren't exactly best of friends. In fact, they hated each other. Every day they would have an argument. Then they would fight. Then they would ignore each other. Then another argument would start up and it would keep going round in circles - argue, fight, ignore, argue, fight, ignore.

Most of the arguments were about who was best. Fido thought he was best and Bradley thought he was best.

One day, they decided to settle the argument once and for all and find out who really was the best.

So they decided to have a race. A race from one end of London to the other. From West London to East London. They would start at Paddington Station in the West and finish at Tower Bridge in the East.

The winner would be crowned "Animal King of Regent Street" and the loser would have to be his slave for ever.

The day of the race was Saturday July 7th, and they were both ready to go at 9 o'clock.

When the big station clock struck 9 they were off, with both trying desperately to beat the other to Tower Bridge.

But within five seconds, disaster struck. Fido wasn't looking where he was going and ran straight into a brick wall. Bradley wasn't having much luck either, as he was heading North instead of East.

Fido soon recovered, and, after a quick hospital detour to get a nose bandage, he was now galloping through Hyde Park. He hired a boat to take him across the lake, but the boat sank and he had to swim to safety. The Queen saw him and felt sorry for him with his soaking wet coat and sore nose. She took him in to Buckingham Palace to get him dry and give him something to eat. He got so cosy in the Palace that he forgot all about the race.

Meanwhile, Bradley had just arrived in Scotland. He'd gone 300 miles in the wrong direction. He stopped at a cafe to get a burger, but all they had was haggis. He asked the cafe owner, Jock MacDundee, if he was close to Tower Bridge, but couldn't understand the reply. So he carried on heading North, still hungry and with no idea where he was.

The next morning, a Buckingham Palace servant was serving Fido with a huge luxurious breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs and custard, when he suddenly remembered about the race. So he grabbed a slice of toast and ran out of the Palace.

He sprinted down Pall Mall and then sprinted back again because he'd forgotten to thank the Queen for looking after him. When he got back to the Palace, he again forgot to thank the Queen. After racing up and down Pall Mall three more times he eventually remembered to thank her, and she said that he was welcome to stay at the Palace at any time.

Meanwhile, Bradley was no longer in Scotland. He'd gone past Scotland and was now at the North Pole. He was running so fast that he didn't feel the cold. And he was running so fast that a polar bear that was chasing him couldn't catch up. But then he stopped for a rest and the polar bear could catch up. Bradley saw the polar bear just in time and started running again. But now he was running even faster. He was running faster than a speeding car, faster than a train, faster than a rocket and nearly as fast a polar bear. But not quite. The polar bear caught up and grabbed the poor little cat. Bradley squealed and wriggled and squirmed in the polar bear's enormous paws. The polar bear was hungry. The polar bear was hungry for a big plate of cat.

Then Bradley had a good idea. An idea that was to save his life. Instead of letting the polar bear eat him, he decided to eat the polar bear. And he did. And he enjoyed every mouthful. It was the biggest meal he'd ever eaten, but it gave him the energy to carry on with the race.

He headed on through Canada, America, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, the South Pole, Africa, Spain, France and back to England. He'd gone all the way round the world and ended up back at Paddington Station, where he'd started the race.

Meanwhile, Fido was nearly at the finish line at Tower Bridge. He jumped on a red bus to take him the last half mile. He was excited. He knew he was going to win and he had a big smile on his face.

But then the bus turned left, instead of right towards the bridge. Then it turned left again, then right, then left, then straight on for a bit, then four more lefts and three more rights. When it eventually stopped, he jumped off to find himself back at Paddington Station. And there was Bradley, covered in icicles and eating a burger.

The two of them immediately started to argue about who had won the race. But of course neither of them had really won it, because they were both still at the starting line. The argument turned into a fight and then they started ignoring each other. Can you guess what happened next? Yes, another argument started, and then a fight and so on and so on for ever more.



One day the sky fell down and hit Chicken Licken on the head.

"I thought that was going to happen" said Chicken Licken.

He had a great big bump on his head, so he set off to tell the doctor.

On his way he met Monkey Grunkey, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Mind your own business" said Chicken Licken, and he carried on to tell the doctor that he had a great big bump on his head.

On his way he met Elephant Belephant and his sister Melephant. They said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"We'll come with you" said Elephant Belephant, but they couldn't because their trunks had been tied together in a knot.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Goldfishy Boldfishy, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"I'll come with you" said Goldfishy Boldfishy, but he couldn't because goldfish can't walk.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Sheepy Weepy, who cried

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I do wish people would stop bugging me" said Chicken Licken "I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head."

"I'll come with you" said Sheepy Weepy, but he couldn't because his mum said he had to tidy his room.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Hippopotomousy Zippopotomousy, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"I'll come with you" said Hippopotomousy Zippopotomousy.

Now Hippopotomousy Zippopotomousy did have legs, and his room was tidy, and he didn't have a trunk that was tied in a knot. So he was just about to go with Chicken Licken when someone undid his tummy button and his bottom dropped off.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Fish Finger Mish Minger, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"I'll come with you" said Fish Finger Mish Minger, but he couldn't because Chicken Licken ate him.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Felt Tip Pen Belt Bit Ben, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"I am the doctor" said Felt Tip Pen Belt Bit Ben.

"No you're not" said Chicken Licken.

"Yes I am" said Felt Tip Pen Belt Bit Ben.

"No you're not"
"Yes I am"
"Not Not Not"
"Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am"

And then Chicken Licken pulled the lid off Felt Tip Pen Belt Bit Ben, and threw it in the river.

So Chicken Licken carried on, and on his way he met Humpty Dumpty, who said

"Chicken Licken, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to tell the doctor that I've got a great big bump on my head" said Chicken Licken.

"I'll come with you" said Humpty Dumpty, but then there was a great CRASH! as Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall.

Eventually Chicken Licken arrived at the door of the doctor's surgery, but he didn't have an appointment so the nurse told him to go away.

Then he saw the sign on the door.

It said "Doctor Felt Tip Pen Belt Bit Ben".

"Oh dear" thought Chicken Licken "I'll have to bandage it up myself".

Kevin the Very Old Rabbit was very old.

Believe it or not, he was 146 years old and his name was Kevin.

He had always been old. In fact, when he was born he had glasses and a long white beard, which greatly surprised his mother because she had perfect eyesight and no facial hair whatsoever. His dad was called Kevin the Extremely Old Rabbit, but he's not in this story.

Now, every Tuesday morning Kevin would drive to the post office in Swindon to collect his pension money. But today was no ordinary Tuesday morning for two main reasons. Firstly it was his birthday and secondly it was in fact Wednesday. This meant that he was actually 147 years old. The only problem was, he didn't know it! You see, because he thought it was Tuesday he thought that his birthday was not until tomorrow!

Anyway, he parked the car in the usual place - on double yellow lines opposite the police station. He turned on the radio and got out of the car. He never had the radio on when he was driving because he hated pop music.

Suddenly, a very watery thing happened. It started to rain. Not just a few drops, but whole bucketfuls. He ran to the bus shelter, but the bus shelter didn't have a roof so this didn't help. He'd forgotten to bring his umbrella and his fur was getting soaked.

So he looked around and saw a big shop called Umbrella World, just next door to Woolworths. When he ran into the shop he couldn't believe how many umbrellas were in there. There were millions and billions of them, neatly lined up on shelves.

The first one he looked at was made of silk with a gold handle, but this was too expensive. The next one was full of holes to let the rain through, which Kevin thought was a very silly idea. Then he saw a lovely yellow umbrella, covered in pictures of monkeys and tennis rackets. It cost just four pounds and ninety-nine pence so he took out his purse and bought it.

When he went outside he found that it had stopped raining, which was a good thing and a bad thing.

After looking at his watch he decided that he was probably hungry, so he crossed over the road to McDonalds. He bought a Big Mac, but threw the burger and bread roll into the bin because, being a rabbit, he only liked the lettuce.

Three and a half weeks later he got a letter from the boss of McDonalds. It said,

"Dear Mr. Very Old Rabbit

Congratulations! You have won a trip round the world on Concorde in our Ronald McDonald Spot the Difference competition. The plane leaves Heathrow airport at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Have a good time!

Love from Sir Malcolm Morris McDonald"

Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't read so he screwed up the letter and threw it into the dustbin. He thought it was probably a soppy love letter from Mildred Parker who used to fancy him at school.

A bit later that day, Kevin got a telephone call from Sir Malcolm Morris McDonald's secretary. She wanted to know if he was packed and ready to go on holiday. At first, Kevin thought it was Mildred Parker asking him if he was ready for a honeymoon. But after a while, the secretary, whose name was Gladys, explained all about the competition and how he had won a trip round the world on Concorde.

Kevin was very excited. He packed his suitcase with two jumpers, one pair of trousers, a clean pair of socks, a spare pair of shoelaces, nine pairs of pyjamas, a book, another book, some sunglasses, one more book and a cuddly toy.

Next day, he got up bright and early. He drove down the M4 motorway to Heathrow Airport and climbed on board Concorde. A nice lady called Air Stewardess gave him a cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit. He didn't really like coffee, but drank it anyway because he didn't want to upset Air Stewardess.

At 8 o'clock the plane took off into the air and soared above the clouds. Concorde travels faster than the speed of sound, which is very fast indeed, so it took just three hours to reach the city of Washington. The first person that Kevin met was a man called Bill Clinton. He used to be the President of the United States of America, but not anymore. He took Kevin to lunch at the White House. They had fried lettuce with jam and chatted about their favourite cartoons. Kevin's favourite was Bugs Bunny and Bill Clinton's favourite was Scooby Doo.

At half past six Kevin was back on Concorde flying to Hollywood, which is where actors and actresses make films to show in the cinema. He was introduced to a man named Steven Spielberg, who has made very popular films such as E.T. and Jurassic Park.

Steven Spielberg was amazed to meet an English rabbit that could talk. He had been looking for a talking rabbit to appear in his next film, called Attack of the Bunnies. But Kevin didn't want to be an actor. He was a plumber and preferred tinkering about with taps and water pipes.

Kevin spent the night in a very expensive 5-star hotel. His room had a television with 49 channels and he stayed awake all night switching from one programme to the next.

When morning came he was so tired that he fell asleep. He missed breakfast, then he missed lunch, and then he missed tea. Worst of all, he missed his next flight on Concorde!

When he eventually woke up he caught a bus to the airport. But he was very disappointed when they told him that the plane had already gone. So he caught a bus to the harbour and got on board a very big passenger ship that was heading for Japan.

He was excited to find that he had his very own cabin with a bed and a porthole to look out of. There was a restaurant on the ship but there was a big problem with the food. The ship's crew had forgotten to load any food supplies onto the ship ... except for 600 sacks of broccoli. Now normal people don't like broccoli, but if you're a rabbit you'll find that broccoli is actually rather nice. So this was an ideal situation for Kevin - 600 sacks of broccoli and he was the only one on the ship who liked it. He ate 4 sacks straight away and decided to save the other 596 for later.

At ten past nine a big storm blew up and the ship sank. Luckily, Kevin had been sitting in one of the life-rafts at the time so he was quite safe. He steered the life-raft to the nearest desert island, which was small in size, round in shape, and had a palm tree sticking up in the middle. It also had one other thing - a lady that looked a bit like Mildred Parker. In fact, she looked so much like her that it was her. This was a very depressing development for Kevin. Stuck on a desert island with Mildred Parker.

Of course, Mildred was delighted to see Kevin and immediately wanted to kiss him. He quickly climbed up the palm tree to escape her clutches. But he didn't know that Mildred had once won an Olympic gold medal in gymnastics. Basically, this meant that she was very good at climbing trees, so she was quick to follow him.

Unfortunately, the palm tree was one of the weakest in the world, and it couldn't stand the combined weight of a 147-year old rabbit and a slightly chubby ex-gymnast. So the tree toppled over and both Kevin and Mildred landed with their heads in the sand and their legs sticking up in the air.

They were stuck on the island for many years. Kevin spent his time playing with a Monopoly set that he kept in his waistcoat pocket. He didn't know many of the rules, but he enjoyed passing Go and collecting 200 pounds. Mildred spent her time trying to count the grains of sand on the island. She got up to four billion, nine hundred and forty two million, six thousand, four hundred and twenty three, when Kevin threw a couple of grains into the sea and she had to start again.

The day after Kevin's 200th birthday a really great thing happened. A ship came and rescued them and took them back to Swindon.

They had been stranded on the desert island for more than 50 years and, do you know, something really nice happened during that time that I didn't tell you about. They fell in love!

So, soon after they arrived back in England they got married. They had two children and told them all about their adventure. A bit later, they decided to live happily ever after.

Here are a few questions to see if you've been listening ...

How many sacks of broccoli were on the ship?
What is Kevin's favourite cartoon?
Why couldn't Mildred count the grains of sand on the island?
What does Kevin prefer - lettuce or pop music?
What do you think they ate when they were on the island?
Would you like to live on a desert island?

If you enjoyed this story, please ask your teacher to read it out to the class.
If you didn't enjoy it, I'm sorry, so very very sorry.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

hihihi . mau liat film ini ??? hehehe...    :D

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

malam part 1

malam gelap mulai menebar kesejukan , gak jadi posting link malam ah , hahaha... :D

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

gratis film

tuh kalo mo liat ato download film naruto hihihi , gampang aja gak pake muter muter , :D